AP Chemistry Tutoring Ten Huge Topics
AP Chemistry pulls no punches. It demands a lot from its student from the beginning of the year through early May. It consists of ten huge topics: stoichiometry, thermochemistry, electron geometry and periodicity, bonding, solutions, equilibria and kinetics, acids and bases, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and organic and nuclear chemistry. It’s a real monster of a course. On top of that, some teachers demand elaborate (though legitimate) lab reports on top of homework. Sub-par lab reports are the leading cause of lackluster grades in this course.
When you analyze happiness, it turns out that the way you are spending your time is extremely important.
- Daniel Kahneman
A dense year
Each new topic in AP Chemistry requires a good deal of effort to learn well. Be ready to study more than last year.
Lab Reports
Learn exactly what your teacher is expecting in a lab report or be punished for your ignorance.
Earn college credit
Many schools will acknowledge a score of a 4 or a 5 on the AP exam as being worth either one or two semesters of college level chemistry. Think of what you could do with that time.